Vernier Video Analysis: Motion and Sports
This e‐book features 12 investigations in which students use Vernier Video Analysis to explore velocity, acceleration, and sports activities.
Education Levels
Vernier Video Analysis: Motion and Sports features 12 investigations using the Vernier Video Analysis® app. In addition to traditional physics concepts such as velocity and acceleration, its investigations of sports activities expand learning opportunities and further connect the study of motion to students’ daily lives.
Student materials are provided in two different levels of scaffolding: Guided and Abridged. The Guided versions provide step-by-step instructions for navigating the software and work well for students who have not previously used Vernier Video Analysis. The Abridged versions are appropriate for students who are familiar with the features of the software.
- Twelve guided investigations
- Instructor information guide with troubleshooting tips and answers to questions
- Student instructions
- A generous site license—buy one e-book and duplicate the investigations for your class
Table of Contents
Preview “Projectile Motion” from Vernier Video Analysis: Motion and Sports. The preview download includes abridged and guided students instructions, teacher tips, sample data, and more.