Sensor Cart Physics
Sensor Cart Physics features 23 guided-inquiry investigations. It provides a stimulating structure to explore introductory through AP-level concepts in kinematics, Newton’s laws of motion, forces, and conservation of energy and momentum. The investigations make exclusive use of the Vernier Go Direct® Sensor Cart.
Each investigation utilizes the synced video and data featured in the new subscription-based Vernier Graphical Analysis™ Pro app. The graphical display correlates videos of the events to the data communicated by the Sensor Cart using Bluetooth® wireless technologies. This offers remote learners the opportunity to conduct the investigations without the physical presence of a Sensor Cart.
Education Levels
- Exploring Graphical Analysis™
- Exploring the Go Direct® Sensor Cart
Part 1: Kinematics
- Motion with Constant Velocity: Slow, Slower, Slowest
- Motion on an Incline: Rollin’ Down
- Motion on an Incline: Coasting Up and Down
Part 2: Newton’s Laws of Motion
- Newton’s First Law of Motion: The Law of Inertia
- Newton’s Second Law of Motion: F = ma
- Newton’s Third Law of Motion: Action—Reaction
Part 3: Forces
- Gravitational Field Strength: Fg/m
- Inertial and Gravitational Mass: What’s the Difference?
- Hooke’s Law: Stretching Rubber Bands
- Specific Gravity: Density Without Units
- The Force of Friction: The Weight Variable
- The Force of Friction: The Surface Area Variable
- The Coefficient of Friction 𝜇: Comparing Two Methods
- Magnets: Force vs. Separation Distance
Part 4: The Conservation Laws
- Impulse and Momentum: Collisions Analyzed
- Converting PE to KE: Downhill Racers
- Elastic PE: Plunger Spring Energy
- Elastic PE to KE: Launch Speed
- Kinetic Energy and Momentum: Elastic Collisions
- Kinetic Energy and Momentum: Inelastic Collisions
- Kinetic Energy and Momentum: Super-elastic Collisions
- Energy and Momentum: Exploding Carts
- The Magical Mystery Bounce: Hidden Phases
Preview “Elastic PE to KE: Launch Speed” from Sensor Cart Physics. The preview download includes student instructions, teacher tips, sample data, and more.