Optional Breadboard Kit for the Vernier Circuit Board 2
Install this small breadboard on the Vernier Circuit Board 2 in order to easily conduct experiments using additional electronic components not permanently mounted on the Vernier Circuit Board 2. Some components are included to get you started.
Education Levels
With this kit, you can create blinking LED circuits with the 555 timer, introduce students to transistors, or make a simple light-sensing circuit. Included wires connect to both the breadboard and the Vernier Circuit Board 2 components. Additional jumper wires for breadboard use only are also provided.
Green breadboard (3.5 cm x 4.5 cm)
Double-sided tape for mounting the breadboard to the Vernier Circuit Board 2
Small screws (2) for securely mounting the breadboard to the VCB2
Jumper wires, male-male (4)
Jumper wires, male-clip (6)
220 Ω resistors (5)
Green LED
Blue LED
Red-Green-Blue tri-color LED (4-pin, single cathode)Download Datasheet
Transistor (NPN) has marking BC547 on flat sideDownload Datasheet
Transistor (PNP) has marking 2N 3906 on flat sideDownload Datasheet
PhotocellDownload Datasheet
555 timer (8-pin DIP)Download Datasheet
User Manual: https://www.vernier.com/manuals/vcb2-obbk/
Warranty: 5-year limited warranty